Trek Schedule
Times are estimated
AWANA (W/Game Time)
6:30 PM Doors Open, Clubbers can begin arriving
6:45 PM Clubbers are checked in, and sit with their Leaders in the Auditorium
7:00 PM Opening Ceremonies (AWANA Song, AWANA Pledge, US Pledge of Allegiance, Birthdays, Special Announcements)
7:15 PM Clubbers are dismissed with their Leaders for Handbook Time
7:40 PM Clubbers head back to the Auditorium for Counsel Time
7:55 PM Clubbers head to the Fellowship hall for Game Time
8:15 PM Game time ends, Clubbers head back to Auditorium to wait for pick-up
AWANA (W/Quiz Time)
6:30 PM Doors Open, Clubbers can begin arriving
6:45 PM Clubbers are checked in, and sit with their Leaders in the Auditorium
7:00 PM Opening Ceremonies (AWANA Song, AWANA Pledge, US Pledge of Allegiance, Birthdays, Special Announcements)
7:15 PM Quiz Time (content based on prior weeks Counsel time)
7:35 PM Clubbers are dismissed with their Leaders for Handbook Time
7:55 PM Clubbers head back to the Auditorium for Counsel Time
8:15 PM Counsel time ends, Clubbers stay in Auditorium to wait for pick-up
When is Awana held?
- AWANA is held Wednesday nights from 6:45 PM - 8:15 PM
- NO CLUB is held during LWSD weeks off (LWSD District Calendar)
What are 'Theme Nights'?
- There are 'Theme Nights' Every Club night where kids can dress up, or participate in contests.
What is 'Counsel Time'?
- Counsel time is where an AWANA leader will present information about God, the Bible, or the Gospel.
What is 'Game Time'?
- Games are done every night where teams of 4-6 compete against each other. Game time is held by all clubs, with Sparks, T-n-T, and Trek joining in the same game time. Cubbies have their own individual game time
I heard there are prizes...?
- Yes! We like to award kids for participation and prizes are given every club night. Candy is a popular option, so if you would prefer your child not receive any food items - please let the AWANA secretary know so alternative prizes can be provided.
Is there any cost to participating in AWANA?
- Yes, there are uniforms (Optional), handbooks (required), and a nominal yearly fee charged. Families can opt to pay as they go throughout the year if they are unable to pay a lump sum at the beginning of the year.
How do kids get points?
- Points are accrued throughout the year - and at the end of the year on Closing Night we spend the entire evening recognizing all the kids efforts throughout the year and finish up with a prize selection time. Points are given for:
- Going to Sunday School
- Brining their Bible
- Dressing up for the theme or wearing their uniform
- Answering Quiz Questions correctly (if we are doing Quiz time)
- Winning Games during Game Time (if we are doing Game time)
- Random point assignment based on behavior that exemplifies Jesus's teachings (i.e. being well behaved even while others are rowdy, doing an outstanding job of helping others, etc.)
What do kids do during Handbook time in Trek?
- Kids will split off with their individual leader (we have teenage & adult helpers) to work on their handbooks. In Trek, we encourage kids to say at least (1) section a night - and for the tough ones we suggest they work on them at home so they can be ready during group
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